Arrive in This Moment

MEDITATION is the process and practice of becoming quiet and still, slowly settling the thoughts of the mind in order to move inwards and gain access to your own inner landscape. As we reach the silent, still background beyond the thoughts and thinking, beyond the conditioning and judgments, it is there that we discover our natural state of peace, love and contentment. It is from this place that we truly begin to heal and live with a vitality we have never before discovered.

 Meditation will in time, teach you to discover more subtle parts of yourself, those fields of spaciousness that lie beyond and behind the thoughts and thinking. You learn to touch the tenderness of pure being, pure love. Our inner self is our deepest nature, at the very core or source of the mind. It is the place of love, wisdom, and contentment, the place we have touched in our most profound experiences in life. It contains the restorative peace of deep sleep and vivid joy of our best experiences in the waking state. The inner self is the essence of a person, the soul, or spirit.

Meditation is a method of quietening the mind and experiencing our deepest nature - the self. The value of experiencing the self is incalculable. It is an awakening, an upwelling of energy, joy and wisdom.

The most important principle to understand about mediation is this; we meditate to know ourselves. It is a process of coming into loving relationship with our own consciousness – our own ancient selves. In this daily act of plunging into our inner worlds, the separated parts of ourselves do come together. The loose ends of our personalities meld with our awareness and we become whole.

DAILY TASK - Please listen to the audio below for todays meditation

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